Wander through an interactive nightmare set within the confines of a once-happy household

Wander through an interactive nightmare set within the confines of a once-happy household. Piece together the mystery behind a harrowing series of events while struggling to survive encounters with an entity that relentlessly stands in the way of finding absolution.

Explore a home crystalised by tragedy and uncover the heartbreaking secrets hidden within messages, artwork, household objects, and other vestiges of domestic life. Uncover clues and use items to unlock new paths and make discoveries while doing everything possible to avoid the malevolent presence inhabiting the residence. While you hunt for clues, it hunts you. Hide and harness light sources like camera flashes to stun the spirit and momentarily elude its pursuit. Can you survive long enough to find atonement?

You are not alone

A restless AI enemy will be stalking you, and you really don’t want to be caught. Will you hide, or find some way to fight back?

Warped reality

Explore a realistic, interactive suburban house that gets more fractured and twisted the deeper you go.

Piece it together

Read letters, find diaries, and examine the precious mementos of a broken family to understand the terrible events that led you here.

Almost too real

The story is grounded in real-world domestic tragedy, the fears and hurts that we all know: broken hearts, betrayed trust, grief, and loss.

Light and dark

The power of Unreal renders a photorealistic environment with dynamic lights and shadows that can dazzle you or plunge you into darkness.

New game plus

Unlock a new challenge with new scares, content, increased difficulty and remixed puzzles.


Los desarrolladores describen su contenido así:

Infliction is not intended for persons under 15 years of age. It contains adult themes and content such as:

depictions of violence, physical abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and self-harm.


S/. 37,00 PEN
